Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

Basic of communication fiber optic

Fiber optical system must have transmitter, receiver and information channel. Block transmitter had information, before this information will to send must recognized match with channel information. And this information delivered to receiver used information channel.

Information channel have two part : Unguided channel and Guided channel. Example from unguided channel that is atmosphere where this system was use for radio, television and microwave relay links. Scope guided channels included few structure variant conduction transmission, like two wire line, coaxial cable and twisted pair

Message origin

Message origin there is information like non-electrical physical (audio and video), so that needed transducer (sensor) can change from non electrical to electrical, example : Microphone change sound become electrics, and video camera (CCD) change picture become electrics.

Modulator and carrier source

- Have two function, First change electrical message into appropriate form, Second joining this signal with others waving awakened by source carrier.

- Modulation can be different that is analog modulation and digital modulation.

- Modulation digital to joining with other signal and digital data in wave carrier, modulator must on or switch off carrier source match with data signaling.

Advantage fiber optical cable :

- Have big bandwith frequency

- Faster transmission digital information.

- Resistant with electromagnetic wave.

- Small damping more than copper cable.

- Physical is small and not heavily.

- Not have current electrical.

Disadvantage fiber optical cable:

- Cannot be folded.

- Its brittle materials.

- Maintenance must have specialization.

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